Note: This website is currently under a revamp. Please back again later!
Hi, and welcome to my website all about digital music (and audio)! This website is a personal passion project (and comp sci assignment) of mine so, it may be expanded further in the future (the passion project version, not the comp sci version). Here I'll be trying to the best of my ability to explain and discuss digital music and audio. All of the art here is made by me and is public domain, free for anyone to use! (In short, all navigation buttons)
Website Guide:
Index/Home Page
- This is the page you're on right now! It is the home page of the website, dedicated towards describing the function of this site, and helping new users.
Production Page
- This page is about music production and some info about the actual process, as comparison to someone just telling you they made a song with notes and a instrument.
Sampling Page
- A page all about sampling, it has some information most normal people probably don't even know about (somehow).
Labels Page
- The page to do with labels, not the kind of labels on your movies or games, the labels on your favourite artists.
About Page
- About the website and partially me.